Zoran has over 12 years of experience in areas of Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Incident Response and Forensics including penetration and vulnerability assessments, eDiscovery, risk analysis, S-SDLC, secure architecture design, comprehensive security program development and regulatory compliance.
Zoran is currently working as a Senior Security Engineer/Lead for a large corporation, and is leading several global security initiatives to develop an information security strategy, align security initiatives with business objectives and implement security framework in the cloud using agile security approach.
Why I Joined The Analogies Project:
“Throughout my career I found that one of the easiest ways to sell information security initiatives to executive management is by using analogies. A non-technical approach helps everyone to understand the importance of information security and most of the time they can relate to it. The Analogies Project allows me to share my InfoSec passion and knowledge through analogies amongst the widest audience that includes both technical and non-technical people.”
My Analogies
Ризик вреба у шифрованим комуникацијама Rizik vreba u šifriranim komunikacijama (CRO) Rizik vreba u šifriranim komunikacijama (SRB) Lurking Risks in Encrypted Communications Плацебо Eфекат у NнформационoЈ Безбедности Placebo Efekt u Informativnoj Sigurnosti Placebo Efekat u Informativnoj Sigurnosti The Placebo Effect in Information Security Безбедности Информација је Потребна Cтратегија од Александра Великог Sigurnosti Informacija Treba Strategija od Aleksandra Velikog Bezbednosti Informacija je Potrebna Strategija od Aleksandra Velikog InfoSec Needs Alexander the Great’s Strategy