If the rats are after your cheese, keep the cheese safe
Jason Ha explores how can we prevent hackers from taking a bite out of our assets.
Is Your Security Framework Like a Smooth Saloon Car or a 4X4?
If we took the same approach to building a car as we did to our organisational controls and capabilities what would be the result? Jason Ha takes a look under the bonnet.
Waiting for Godot and a Data Breach
Indy Dhami joins Estragon and Vladimir and looks at what Waiting for Godot can teach us about the attitudes companies should adopt towards security threats
Lessons From the Pit Lane
Anne Wood takes inspiration from Formula 1, and discusses how understanding our environments is crucial to having the winning infosec strategy.
Digital Vampires
Dixie Newman lifts the coffin lid on the vampire, and how they can hunt and feed upon us in the digital world too.
The importance of the captain’s log…
How can we ensure our IT management is smooth sailing? Emmanuel Nicaise sails the infosec sea and considers how to steer clear of stormy weather.

Jurassic Park – Based on a True Story…
Yes, really!I was recently looking for a change of direction in my information security career and was invited to an interview at a local company. I was instructed to prepare a 10 minute presentation on ...

Lessons from the Big Four – Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes
I don’t know if the phrase “the bigger they come, the harder they fall” was around when Shakespeare was alive but it applies to his tragic heroes across the board. If we look at his ...

God Save Me From My Friends. I Can Protect Myself From My Enemies
This quote is attributed to many. In fact, most people believe it was first said by King David himself. Some attribute to the French philosopher Voltaire, and others to the French marshal Claude Louis Hector ...

The Elephant and the Six Blind Men: What Does Information Security Mean to You?
The poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant” was written by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887). The essence of the poem is that their reactions were: The first felt the side of the elephant and said: It’s ...

Don’t Walk on the Grass!
In a vain bid to keep fit, I go running. Sometimes. When the mood takes me. It’s one of those things that I know I should do - I understand the importance of exercise, but ...

Romeo & Juliet
In this famous play by Shakespeare Juliet, in an attempt to avoid an arranged marriage politically motivated to Paris, visits Friar Laurence for help. The Friar suggests to her a drug that will put her ...
Information Security As Car Insurance
Third party, fire and theft? Or Fully Comp? Richard Corbridge looks at why we need to start thinking about Information Security in the same way as we do Car Insurance.
The Little Black Dress (LBD) and Information Security Policies
Elegant, simple, versatile, affordable and long lasting. Eduardo Gelbstein takes a look at the Little Black Dress and what it can teach us about Information Security Policies.
Speed Cameras
How can the placement of speed cameras improve security awareness? Andrew Rose looks at how they can help implement lasting behavioural change
Sapo na Panela Fervente!
This is the Portuguese version of ‘The Art of Boiling Frogs’ first published on the 2nd October 2014. When it comes to boiling frogs (admittedly not for everyone), timing is everything. Rafael Lachi explores how this relates to communicating information security issues with executives.
How the Deming Cycle can Reinforce Safety
This is the English translation of an original French analogy by Fabrice De Paepe. Diving involves a rigorous series of checks and systems to ensure the divers safety combined with a practice of continued improvement. Fabrice De Paepe takes a look at what we can learn from this in our own approaches to Information Security.
What can Rapunzel tell us about human behaviour and the effect of social engineering? Jenny Radcliffe looks at the Brothers Grimm classic story and how a complex security system was breached.