Cyril is a French System Engineer at the Port of Marseille Fos Authority. His experience and background has provided him with expertise in system and application security, strong authentication, public key infrastructure, digital forensics, incident response, storage and virtualization. He developed a strong interest in information technologies after receiving formal training in under water robotics and communications.
A graduate of CNAM with an “Information Security Certificate”, he focuses on providing, monitoring and managing security controls mainly on the contractor side. Additionally he dedicates a large part of his time in thinking about evaluating and mitigating the impacts of error, malice and mischance in various contexts. Security training and awareness are a key part of his daily mission. Cyril is also a guest lecturer in infosec and cybersecurity at the Ingemedia Institute (Toulon – Fr).
Why I joined The Analogies Project
‘Albert Einstein said “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. If I could speak with Einstein I’d suggest he would add “… and so you’ll never be able to explain it efficiently”.
What seems simple to me isn’t necessarily simple to others. Analogies are a way to simplify the sometime complicated information security domain into a context others can understand.
Trying to find analogies is a fascinating activity. It forces me to fully understand a process or an idea… and it also forces me to discover more efficient way to transmit it. Finding the more efficient way needs to open myself to others.’
My Analogies
Chicks & Risks