John Meakin is a specialist in information security with more than twenty years experience. He has previously been responsible for leading systems security in Standard Chartered Bank, Reuters, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Dresdner Bank. More recently he was Chief Info Security Officer at BP plc for 3 years and led Deutsche Bank’s development of a new security strategy and innovative security solutions to meet the latest threats.
Since April 2014 he has been Chief Security Officer for the leading international luxury goods company Richemont, supporting the varying needs of such renowned brands as Cartier, Montblanc, Chloe, etc. He also has a particular interest in better modeling and managing the costs and benefits of security to the business, as well as in shifting the emphasis of commercial security efforts into dynamic management and monitoring rather than static prevention.
He has developed a number of award-winning Info Security Risk Management methods and tools during his CISO career. He is a member of the Jericho Forum Board of Management, and advisor to a number of security vendors. He sits on the Microsoft Worldwide CSO Council and the SAP AG Security Advisory Board. He has a PhD in Experimental Solid State Physics from Cambridge University.
Why I Joined The Analogies Project
“As a born techie I have always had a tendency to focus on the logical, analytical side of doing security. But long hard experience of working with that most splendid, mercurial, stubborn, well-meaning beast – the average human – has taught me that you can’t take the user out of security and the user needs to “get it”. And getting it is difficult. So they need to be told the story about how insecurity is real, how it is personal, how it can affect us all and how it makes sense in their world and how security is their responsibility. That story is best told through Analogies. Analogies allow us to strike a chord in their experience. Of course every human is different, so one man’s Analogy is another’s gobbledygook, so we need lots of them. That is why it is a pleasure to support this important work, and in my small way make a contribution….”