Kiera Lillie is an Information Security Consultant working in the Financial Services industry. After a brief fling with Architecture at University, followed by an even briefer fling with nursing, she entered the world of IT.
After gaining experience in a variety of roles, in desktop computing, networks, telecoms and application development, Kiera moved into Security after realising its underpinning role in all these disciplines, making it uniquely in demand across a fluctuating tech landscape.
She now takes a particular interest in security awareness and communication, reasoning that all the security technology in the world can’t stop a person accidentally hitting send when they shouldn’t.
Why I Joined the Analogies Project
“I attended my first ISF conference in Copenhagen in 2014 and was most inspired and enthused by the talks and workshops on security awareness and communication. For me, security has always been about people. By providing the appropriate knowledge and tools to individuals we can make security a business enabler rather than the big bad “No” it is seen as by many. I see the Analogies project as the perfect driver for this, providing human stories to effectively embed security concepts in the mind of the average layperson.”
My Analogies
Risk Management on the Ski Slopes