Something For The Next Generation
Inspired by work such as The Analogies Project, ISF research on security behavioural awareness and occurrences we read about every day, it struck me that it would be useful to come up with something to enhance the online behaviours of the next generation in a hyper-connected world. I figured that If grown-ups can modify neural pathways to change their ways and if story-telling is such an effective means of achieving that, then why...
‘InfoSec 2030 Project’: Presentation to Andy Jones
We’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate contributor Andy Jones, CISO with Maersk Line. Andy was recently presented with a framed version of his admission for the ISF & The Analogies Project ‘InfoSec 2030 Project’. ISF members were invited to forecast what security might look like in the future. This was co-presented by Richard Corbridge, CIO at eHealth Ireland, and The Analogies Project’s Founder Bruce Hallas. Andy’s...
The InfoSec Cynic meets The Analogies Project
Regular Contributor to The Analogies Project Javvad Malik is no stranger to the camera, producing his regular show as ‘The InfoSec Cynic’. We were delighted when he found the time to record a little something about The Analogies Project and his involvement with it.