Finding The Hidden InfoSec Story

Rowenna Fielding

From her early days as a sysadmin; cleaning up after malware and replacing components destroyed by amateur scissors-surgery, Rowenna has always recognised the value of a cautionary tale. Through a career in IT, then later a practitioner and manager of infosecurity and privacy, a sense of humour and the phrase “Once upon a time…” have been an essential part of Rowenna’s toolkit. Having tunnelled through retail, public and commercial sector experience, Rowenna has now emerged into the sunshine of the voluntary sector and is the Information Governance Manager for a large UK charity.

Why I Joined The Analogies Project

“I joined the Analogies Project because I think it’s important to realise that although new technologies can introduce new risks, we already have lots of good precedent for managing existing risks. By applying analogies, telling stories and reducing technobabble, we can show our colleagues and friends that infosec can be for anyone because it benefits everyone.”

My Analogies

Infosec is Like Sun Protection Infosec is not just the Icing on the Cake
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