A Chartered IT Professional (MBCS CITP), Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with proven capabilities in information security, corporate risk, IT governance, BCP, DR and incident management, IT support and service desk management. An effective leader of globally diverse teams and successful implementations of information security programmes, IT services, infrastructure, procedures and projects across multiple geographies and cultures.
A regular blogger, winner of Best Personal Security Blog at the 2013 European Security Bloggers Awards, and public speaker at events such as the eCrimes and Information Security Congress, RSA Europe and the BCS.
Specialities include Information Security, Compliance, Risk Management, IT Governance, Incident Management, IT Service & Support, Global Operations, International Team Building, Help Desk Support Management, Facilities Management, Office Design, Build & Relocation.
Why I Joined The Analogies Project
“Analogies are one of the most powerful methods of putting across concepts and ideas in ways that make sense to people. The info sec community has struggled with finding a single, cohesive source of education and awareness aids that can be universally and effectively used to help people understand how information security affects all of our lives to one extent or another. Our industry desperately needs this single, go to source, of material that will helps us educate people in a way that avoids the traditional, classroom based teaching approach. The Analogies Project has very quickly become the obvious place to make this happen.”
My Analogies
How do you Flush your Toilet? Motorway Signage and False Positives Don’t Walk On The Grass