New Information Security Partnership
We Want Your Vision for 2030 In conjunction with the ISF and NIHR we’re working on an exciting new project for the ISF World Congress 2014. ‘Information Security 2030’ is looking for InfoSec stories from ISF members from across the globe that describes their vision for Information Security in the year 2030. The only criteria is the stories need to be in English and be 750 words or less. If you’re an ISF member and interested in...
The Analogies Project to Host Workshop at National Institute of Healthcare
Richard Corbridge, Chief Information Officer, at the NIHR Clinical Research Network has engaged The Analogies Project to facilitate an internal workshop with his team of 10 Information Governance managers later this year. The workshop will utilise storytelling, analogies and metaphors to set the context for 4 areas of debate whilst also introducing the reasoning behind why such techniques may provide a platform for more effective...