My primary background is fashion design. For close to fifteen years I coloured lengths of cloth, took them to garment factories to be made mostly into shirts. I supplied tourist shops in Tobago, Grenada and Barbados. I moved to the UK and ran a stall at Covent Garden and supplied my work to London stores. I then wanted a change of career and switched to computing.
I now specialise in Information Security. I continually ask questions, trying to find the essential answers. Many of the threats to information security are old and as new technology comes along we have to avoid being blinded by the science in order to see what is fundamentally at stake. Information Security for me is the superset that contains IT security. This belief has been at the core of all my work for organisations such as the Citigroup, John Lewis Partnership, NEST, Ofcom and Anglian Water.
Why I Joined The Analogies Project
“I am happy to be part of the Analogies Project because I believe that in all walks of life there are advantages in keeping secrets. The myriad methods used to protect those pieces of information serve as excellent analogies of what Information Security is trying to achieve in IT. They can also provide new paradigms for improving how data protection is approached.
The Analogies Project has made an excellent start in reaching out to businesses and establishing the appetite for the story of Information Security to be told to as many people as possible. I will be thrilled to have my stories contribute to this body of work.”
My Analogies
A Tidy Kitchen Traffic Calming Don’t Talk to Strangers